The project “Fundamental Rights In Courts and Regulation” (FRICoRe) is a three-year judicial training project, funded by the Justice Programme of the European Union, characterized by the close continuity with the previous European project “Roadmap to European effective Justice” (REJus) conducted in the two-year period 2016-2018.
On the basis of the experience gained, FRICoRe aims at ensuring the consolidation and the further development of the methodology and the results achieved throughout the REJus project, as well as the enlargement of the network of judges and legal experts interested in exploring the impact of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union and the EU law and principles on national legal systems by means a mutual learning process.
More specifically, the FRICoRe project is intended to provide judges and legal practitioners with further guidelines on the choice of procedures and remedies in enforcing fundamental rights at national level, with particular reference to the areas of consumer protection, migration and asylum, data protection, health law and non-discrimination. By focusing on the ongoing judicial dialogue among national and European Courts around these specific sectors, the overriding objective is to understand to what extent the right to an effective remedy enshrined in Article 47 CFREU and, more broadly, general EU principles materially influence the effective protection of fundamental rights at a national and supranational level.
The project also investigates, through a cross-cutting approach, the impact of digital technologies on vulnerability and enforcement of fundamental rights. Special attention is devoted to the use of technology in judicial decision making and its compatibility with the right to an effective judicial remedy and to a fair trial.
The project workplan foresees both the organization of transnational workshops and the drafting of dedicated training materials. In particular, six Transnational Training Workshops (TTWs) and three Transnational “Training the Trainers” Workshops (TTTWs) will be organized at the various seats of the partner institutions. An E-learning pilot module will be also developed through the use of IT tools on one of the topics addressed during the TTTWs.
Furthermore, five Casebooks, addressing the five sectors covered by FRICoRe, will be provided to the workshops participants and further refined in the light of the issues raised during the training events themselves. Specific Guidelines for Judges and Guidance for Trainers will be also provided as complementary and operational tools.
Over the course of the three project years, the case law Database developed throughout the REJus project will be further fed and updated with the most recent CJEU judgments dealing with the enforcement of fundamental rights and the analysis of their full life-cycle, with particular reference to the implementation of the CJEU ruling by the national referring court and the impact, if any, of the same CJEU decision on national legal systems other than the one of the specific referring court.
Outputs of the Project
The Project aims to produce lasting outputs to be more widely disseminated beyond its duration:
- Organize 6 Transnational Training Workshops (TTWs) and 3 Transnational “Training the Trainers” Workshops (TTTWs);
- Develop and make available 1 E-learning pilot module;
- Expand the REJus-FRICoRe Database gathering relevant EU and national case-law;
- Publish 5 Casebooks on the enforcement of fundamental rights and access to effective justice in the areas of consumer protection, migration and asylum, data protection, health law and non-discrimination;
- Provide guidelines on the choice of procedures and remedies under the principles of effectiveness, proportionality and dissuasiveness in the same areas;
- Organize a final conference to present the results and foster dissemination of REJus-FRICoRe methodology.