Work Package 1
February 2019 - January 2022

Management and Coordination of the Project

This Work Package includes all the activities related to the general management and coordination of the Project.

Work Package 2
March 2019 - January 2022

Building teaching instruments

This Work Package aims at preparing the instruments that will be used in judicial training with special reference to cases and materials on judicial dialogue among EU and national courts on access to justice and effective protection of EU fundamental rights. Following the Project methodological approach based on mutual learning, academics and judges will contribute to gather and examine relevant decisions by courts and other enforcers in the areas of consumer protection, migration and asylum, data protection, health law and non-discrimination. Specifically, this Workstream is intended to develop the following outputs:

  1. a freely accessible web-based database gathering relevant EU and national case-law;
  2. five Casebooks examining the most relevant cases related to the application of the principles of effectiveness, proportionality, and dissuasiveness in the areas of consumer protection, migration, data protection, health law and non-discrimination, one for each of the five areas of law;
  3. a set of Guidelines for judges on the choice of effective procedures and remedies in each of the five areas of interest of the project;
  4. a Guidance for trainers that will include an introduction on the methodology developed in the Project and will provide trainers with practical guidelines on the use of the materials and on the objectives and modalities of class discussion.

Work Package 3
April 2019 – July 2021

Transnational Training Workshops

This Work Package concerns the organization of six Transnational Training Workshops (TTWs), during which plenary sessions will be combined with interactive training in small groups. The training events will cover the five areas of interest of the Project. A 6th TTW will be specifically devoted to the cross-cutting analysis of horizontal issues concerning the enforcement of fundamental rights in the five selected sectors. Each TTW will run for two days and will host approximately 40 participants selected among judges, lawyer and other legal practitioners.

Work Package 4
July 2019 – October 2021

Transnational “Training the Trainers” Workshops

This Work Package concerns the organization of three Transnational “Training the Trainers” Workshops (TTTWs), specifically meant to provide judicial trainers with guidance based on the methodology and the training materials developed in WP2. Like in the TTWs, plenary sessions will be combined with interactive ones. Each TTTW is intended for around 30 participants selected among judges qualified and engaged in the field of judicial training. This Work Package also includes the development of an e-learning module on one of the topics addressed during the TTTWs.

Work Package 5
April 2019 – January 2022


This Work Package refers to the dissemination of the Project’s methodology and training tools through a dedicated website, freely accessible to the general public during and after the completion of the action, as well as by means of the organization of a final conference focused on the presentation of the project’s results.