FRICoRe will present the results achieved throughout the three-year project on 26 and 27 May 2022 in Brussels.

The final conference will provide the opportunity for a cross-sectoral discussion around the key topics of FRICoRe, with particular reference to the effective protection of fundamental rights, the dialogue among the courts as a way for building a European legal culture grounded on fundamental rights and the role of the judge in the implementation of the principles of effectiveness, proportionality and dissuasiveness of sanctions and remedies against infringements of rights guaranteed by EU law.

The cross-sectoral approach will allow exploring these issues with reference to the five legal areas of the project, from consumer protection to data protection and from non-discrimination to health law and immigration and asylum.

The conference will bring together European and national judges, also from countries not directly involved in the project consortium, as well as lawyers and academics from the project partner institutions.

The content of this conference represents the view of the organizers and participants only and is under their sole responsibility. The European Commission does not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains.

This conference is funded by the European Union's Justice Programme (2014-2020).



Thursday, 26 May 2022 Day 1

9:00 – 9:20

Registration to the Conference

9:20 – 9:30


Paola Iamiceli,  Coordinator of the FRICoRe Project, University of Trento

09:30 – 10:30

Keynote Speech

Effective judicial protection and judicial independence between the Charter of Fundamental Rights and the European Treaties

Lucia Serena Rossi, Judge at the Court of Justice of the European Union

10:30 – 10:45

Coffee Break

10:45 – 12:30

The impact of judicial dialogue on fundamental rights in national legal systems

Fabrizio Cafaggi (Italian Council of State)

Sandra Lange (Dutch Council of State)
Markus Thoma (Austrian Supreme Administrative Court)
Bostjan Zalar (Administrative Court of the Republic of Slovenia)

12:30 – 14:00

Lunch Break


Article 47, Charter of Fundamental Rights, and the general principles of EU law in the judicial enforcement of rights guaranteed by the EU

14:00 – 14:30

The horizontal dimensions of article 47 CFR and the role of the courts

Paola Iamiceli (University of Trento)

Edith Zeller (Administrative Court of Vienna)

14:30 – 15:00

Effective, proportionate and dissuasive remedies against violations of rights guaranteed by the EU: a cross-sectoral perspective

Charlotte Pavillon (University of Groningen)

Michal Novotny (Slovak Supreme Administrative Court)

15:00 – 15:30

The right to an effective remedy in collective redress proceedings

Sandra Passinhas (University of Coimbra)

Alejandro Ferreres Comella (Lawyer, Barcelona)

15:30 – 16:00

The duty of sincere cooperation and the judicial power to ascertain infringements of EU law ex own motion

Thibaut Fleury Graff (University of Versailles-Saint Quintin)

Elena Masetti Zannini Viganotti Giusti (Tribunal of Milan)

16:00 – 16:15

Open discussion on Project results (I)

16:15 – 16:30

Coffee Break

16:30 – 18:00

The impact of digital technology on fundamental rights: how will the courts ensure the effective protection of fundamental rights in a digitalized world?

Mateusz Grochowski (INP-PAN)

Mireia Artigot i Golobardes (Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona)
Silvio Ranise (Bruno Kessler Foundation and University of Trento)
Lottie Lane (University of Groningen)

Cyril Roth (Tribunal of Paris)
Marta Staccioli (Lawyer, Google Italy)

Open discussion on Project results (II)


Conference Dinner

Friday, 27 May 2022 Day 2

09:00 – 10:00

Keynote Speech

The right to effective remedy in the ECHR and in the international law

Iulia Motoc, Judge at the European Court of Human Rights

10:00 – 11:15

The FRICoRe project and the multiple tools of judicial training

  • The FRICoRe methodology (Paola Iamiceli, University of Trento)
  • The Casebooks and the Guidelines for Judges (Tobias Nowak, University of Groningen)
  • Hypotheticals and Guidance for Trainers (Sebastien Fassiaux, Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona)
  • The Database (Olga Ceran, INP-PAN)
  • The e-learning module (Federica Casarosa, European University Institute

Denisa Petriláková (Linguist and methodologist at EJTN)

Open discussion on the Project methodology

11:15 – 11:30

Coffee break

11:30 – 12:45

Training judges on article 47 CFR and the Charter of Fundamental Rights: the way forward

Maria Rosaria Maugeri (Italian School of Magistracy – SSM)

Wojciech Postulski (European Commission, DG Justice)
Ana Libertad Laliena Piedrafita (Spanish Judicial School – CGPJ)
Roxana Rizoiu (Romanian Institute of Magistracy – NIM)
Hicham Melhem (French School of Magistracy – ENM)

12:45 – 14:00

Lunch break

14:00 – 15:30

Enforcing fundamental rights across global crises: which role for European judges in times of pandemic and beyond?

Mireia Artigot i Golobardes (Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona)

Matej Accetto (Slovenian Constitutional Court)
Mara Abbruzzese (Administrative Court, Campania Region, Italy)
Yves Doutriaux (French Council of State)


End of the FRICoRe Final Conference


The following discussants will also contribute to the two-day conference in person or remotely:

Petros Alikakos (National School of the Judiciary, Greece), Marta Cervera (Court of Appeal of the Provincial Court of Barcelona, Spain), Aurelia Colombi Ciacchi (University of Groningen, the Netherlands), Giuseppe Fiengo (Tribunal of Naples, Italy), Theodora Gazi (Lawyer, Greece), Zulema Gento (Court of Appeals of La Coruña, Spain), Meeli Kaur (Tallin Court of Appeal, Estonia), Cristina Martins da Cruz (Labour Court Judge, CEJ trainer, Portugal), Giancarlo Montedoro (Italian Council of State, President of the Sixth Chamber), Paolo Nasini (Administrative Court, Veneto Region, Italy), Maria Arantzazu Ortiz Gonzalez (Balearic Island court of Appeal, Spain), Federico Pistelli (University of Trento, Italy), Silvia Saraiva (Labour Court Judge, CEJ trainer, Portugal), Herman van Harten (The Hague District Court, the Netherlands), Silvia Vitrò (Tribunal of Turin, Italy), Anne Witters (Market Court, Brussels, Belgium). 
