The Transnational Training Workshop will address the impact of general principles of EU law and of Article 47 CFREU upon data protection. By focusing on the ongoing judicial dialogue among national and European Courts and administrative authorities, the workshop is meant to enable training participants to thoroughly analyse the impact of principles of effectiveness, proportionality, dissuasiveness in data protection law, as well as practical examples of the simultaneous application of different fundamental rights involved in data protection cases (both with regard to the balancing of fundamental rights and to the joint application of them). Special attention will be devoted to the right to the protection of personal data (art 8 CFREU) and to the right to respect for private life (art 7 CFREU), and the right to an effective remedy (art 47 CFREU). Moreover, the complexity of the enforcement systems will be taken into account, looking at the necessity of coordination between the national and European level, as well as at the relationship between administrative and judicial enforcement.

The first session will address the use of corrective remedies, with a focus on the right to be delisted. National interpretations of the GDPR provisions regulating these remedies will be taken into account, especially in order to identify the role played by national constitutions and courts which interpret them (e.g. Constitutional Courts). Secondly, the workshop will discuss effective protection in cross-border infringements, with special attention to the coordination among data protection authorities and between them and courts.

Furthermore, the two training sessions will be followed by a discussion workshop devoted to the intersections between data and consumer protection taking into account the EU legislation and policy proposals, e.g. the Directive 2019/770 on digital contents and services.

The training event is intended for judges and lawyers from all over the EU. The objective is to enhance the mutual awareness of workshop participants regarding the judicial dialogue instruments which will ensure an effective protection in data protection cases and the interpretation of EU rules in the light of fundamental rights and of general principles of EU law. To this end, plenary sessions will be combined with interactive group sessions aimed at stimulating open discussion over hypothetical cases. Guidance on the project materials and how to contribute to their continuous development throughout FRICoRe will be also provided.

The content of this training event represents the view of the organizers and participants only and is under their sole responsibility. The European Commission does not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains.

This workshop is funded by the European Union's Justice Programme (2014-2020).



Thursday, 4th February 2021 Day 1 – 09.20 - 16.40

09:20 – 09:30

Welcome address and introduction to
the FRICoRe workshop on Non-discrimination

09:40 – 09:50

Presentation of the FRICoRe Casebook on Data Protection

Paola Iamiceli, University of Trento, Scientific Coordinator of the FRICoRe Project

09:50 – 10:50

Keynote Speech
“Idea of consent in EU data protection law”

AG Maciej Szpunar, Court of Justice of the European Union

10:50 – 11:30

Discussion from the audience introduced by Prof. Fabrizio Cafaggi

Italian Council of State

11:30 – 11:50


11:50 – 13:00

Effective protection of data subjects, the use of “corrective remedies” and the right to be de-listed

Chaired by Aurelia Colombi Ciacchi (University of Groningen)


  • Marc Bosmans – President of the Belgian Market Court
  • Gianluca Forlani – Permanent Representation of Italy to EU (Justice and Internal Affairs)
  • Pedro Santos Azevedo – Lawyer and collaborator at the Research Centre for Regulation Law and Policy, University of Coimbra
  • Federica Casarosa – European University Institute, Florence
  • Silvio Ranise – Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK), Italy

13:00 – 14:30


14:30 – 15:00Introduction to the Hypothetical Session
Presentation of Hypothetical sessions’ methodology
Casebook focus on “Effective remedies in data protection and the right to be de-listed” (Chiara Angiolini)
15:00 – 16:20Hypothetical session in breakout rooms
16:20 – 16:40Sharing of results in plenary room
by one reporter from each breakout room.

Friday, 5th February 2021 Day 2 — 09.00 – 13.10

09:00 – 09:30

Keynote Speech
“Sanctions and remedies for effective judicial protection”

Liam McKechnie, Supreme Court of Ireland

09:30 – 09:45

Discussion introduced by Paola Iamiceli

University of Trento, Scientific Coordinator of the FRICoRe Project

09:45 – 11:00

Collective Redress, Cross-border Infringements and Coordination among Data Protection Authorities

Chaired by Fabienne Jault-Seseke – Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines


  • Olivier Matter - Team leader for International Cooperation at the European Data Protection Supervisor
  • Edwige Nania – Legal Affairs Department at the Italian Data Protection Authority (Garante per la protezione dei dati personali)
  • Maria Magierska – European University Institute, Florence
  • Spyridoula Karyda – Greek Council of State, Associate Councilor Judge

11:00 – 11:20


11:20 – 11:30Introduction to the Hypothetical Session
Casebook focus on “Collective redress between the GDPR and consumer law” (Chiara Angiolini)
11:30 – 12:50Hypothetical session in breakout rooms
12:50 – 13:10Sharing of results in plenary room
by one reporter from each breakout room.


Data and Consumer Protection: Intersections
Friday, 5th February 2021 — 14.30 – 17.00

14:30 – 17:00

Mateusz Grochowski
Institute of Law Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law in Hamburg.

  • Chiara Angiolini – University of Trento, Italy
  • Katarzyna Południak-Gierz – Jagiellonian University, Poland
  • Kasper Drążewski – European Consumer Organization (BEUC)
  • Sandra Passinhas – University of Coimbra, Portugal
  • Mireia Artigot i Golobardes – Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, Spain
